Social Media

Social media has changed the world

There are 3 Billion Social Media Users worldwide – and growing!

The rapid adoption of social media technology has changed how we connect with others, how we get our news, how we shop and even how we learn.

Social media marketing increases awareness of your brand by allowing you to engage with your part of this huge audience by sharing meaningful content.

Different social media networks have different viewerships, allowing you to reach the exact audience to suit your business goals. It follows that to succeed at social media requires a thorough knowledge of each social media channel and its demographics.

While Facebook has dominated the social media market for over a decade, YouTube, Instagram and WeChat have more than a billion users each.

Certain social media sites have particularly strong folowing among specific population groups. For example, Instagram is extremely popular with the 18-24 audience with an amazing 75% usage while only 8% of the 65+ demographic use the channel. There are also large differences with gender groups. Women are twice as likely to use Pinterest and conversely, men are twice as likely to use Reddit.

Just as significant as the beadth of usages is the depth. Each year the hours spent on social media, expecially amount the young, has grown and is now approaching 3 hours in the US.

No business can afford to ignore Social Media

If you’re not taking advantage of social media  you’re missing out on a fast, inexpensive, and effective way to reach your audience. You can be sure your competition will sooner or later. Why not be the first in your market to establish your brand?

81% of consumers appreciate brands that get to know them and understand when it is and isn’t appropriate to sell to them.

The advantages of Social Media are numerous.

  • Helps You Build Your Brand
  • Personalizes Your Brand
  • Keeps You Top of  Mind
  • Increases Website Trafic
  • Generates Leads
  • Manager Your Reputation
  • Engages with your audience where they spend their time
  • Generates Loyalty
  • Allows Targeting of Your Advertising
  • Adds Credibility
  • Increases Referrals
  • Helps You Measure Audience Feedback

Can I do it myself?

Maybe, if you have plenty of time each and every day to devote to it. Most small business ownere don’t have either the time to learn how to do social media marketing effectively or to actually do it.

Social Media requires thoughtful consistent effort year round. One or two posts a week will get you little in the way of results.

Leave it to us

We have the platforms and software to automate the mundane repettiive parts of running social media marketing campaings and a huge library of graphics and curated content. Our systems can schedule relative content years in advance and we won’t miss any important holidays, anniversaries or sales.

Give us a call for a free consultation.

The first order of business is to establish realistic goals for your Social Media Management program and develop a strategies to meet them. We examine your current communications with your custoemrs – newsletters, blogs etc to ensure your social media strategy aligns with your other marketing efforts. We will make sure branding is consistent across all methods.

Sucess with social media takes sustained effort. That means constant posting of interesting articles, stories, quotes, images and animated giffs related in some way to your business.

We will post a constant stream of professionally prepared content completely free of copyright issues. 

To some extent finding the right approach can be an iterative proces so constant monitoring to discover what works and what doesn’t is required. We have the tools to this effectively.

We generally do the main channels but we can also do many of the less common channels.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest

Content comes from many sources. 

  • Your images and web content as well as video and inages we shoot.
  • Stock images we purchase.
  • Curated articles from RSS feeds.
  • Our Agency sources.
  • Our own created content.


We will send you a comprehensive report every month from which we can reinforce or revise your social media strategy until it consistently profuces results.


Let’s Get Started!

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Carolina OnMar LLC