Streamlined Process

Getting started can be a daunting experience. What is second nature to a web designer can be foreign to clients. So, we have simplified and streamlined the process by using exclusively best in class WordPress tools and hosting, allowing us to focus on our clients. 


We start by welcoming you in by scheduling a brief initial call. We will create your client portal, and start gathering information via a couple of questionnaires.

Then, after we have reviewed your questionnaires and researched you competitors we’ll set up a meeting/call so we can go over what we’ve collected. We will establish a plan and establish a preliniary timeline.

  • Onboarding Information
  • Google Drive Set-up

We start by asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of listening. We will take the time to get to know your business. This phase is where we uncover additional questions, potential issues and new features. We look for any tools or solutions that might be needed to so we can build you the most effective website possible.

  • Establish Business Goals
  • Determine user needs?
  • Determine how to tell your story
  • Industry Research – competitor review
  • Content Preparation
  • Initial Sitemap

We collect all the content and images for your website. If you haven’t already written your content, we provide a content planning guide to encourage and support your process. Don’t want to write your own content? We can use a professional content writer who specializes in website content.


Our next step is to strategize your website architecture. We will review with you other websites to get an idea of what fits your eye. Then, we will develop a prototype so we have an idea of what we want the user to do on each page.

  • Sitemap & Navigation
  • Home Page Layout
  • Internal Page Layout
  • Calls-to-Action Plan
  • Flyins

This is where our creative graphic designer does her magic! You will receive a design mock-up of your home page and one internal page that we then use to build the rest of the site. 

  • Design mock-ups
  • Client Review & Comments
  • Edits
  • Design Approval

We go to work and build your site. We will check-in as we progress to make sure we are on the right track.

  • We develop on a live private server
  • You will be able to see our progress as we work
  • Approval process

We constantly test to make sure everything is working properly, including key items such as forms, links, browser compatibility and e-commerce purchase testing (if applicable). Then we re-test your website after it’s launched to make sure everything looks and functions the way we expect. We will fix any bugs or issues we find.

  • Functionality test
  • Bug fix
  • Final Tweaks

Upon your final approval we will flip the switch and make your new site a reality.


We will set up your website mainenance plan.

Ready to Get Started?

We’ll help you determine your web hosting needs. If we’re building your website, we’ll walk you through the process regardless of whether you’re using our servers.

While good hosting is highly reliable and care free and you may be tempted to do your own hosting support, hosting mangement is complicated and hard to fix when you encounter a critical error. We highly recommend one of our affrdable hosting maintenance plans.


Let’s Get Started!

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Carolina OnMar LLC